Monday 27 August 2012

Today we learnt how to use a new app, to make our posts more visually appealing..

Here is Mrs Parker's first attempt at the new app..Watch out for our new posts..

Each Monday Room 4 and 6 take the bus to Phillipstown Technology to participate in things such as food technology, fabrics, wood and plastics. Here are some pictures from the Year 8 food technology...

Sunday 26 August 2012

Discovery Friday.

Each Friday is our classes Discovery Day. The past two Fridays we have been creating masks. These masks are a symbol of our own individuality and our personality. Today we started to paint and decorate our masks. Here are some photos of our finished products...

Monday 20 August 2012

Learning to be part of the Media Team

Hello my name is Havana and I am 13 years old. I am a  Year 8 learner in Room6. Today Mrs. Parker showed  Georgia and I how to "blog".  We now have responsibility to post to our class blog.  I love playing sports, reading and doing Art. Here we are making plaster face masks as part of our "Discovery Day".

Georgia and Havana are part of the Room 6 Media Team

Hello my name is Georgia. I am in Room 6 and I am a Year 8 learner, I am 12 and I love -sports , reading & writing. I think I will enjoy being part of the media team and "blogging" the events in our class. I am pictured with my mosaic bottle and paper peony. Watch out for our future posts..

Sunday 5 August 2012

What’s on this Term

Newsletter Room 6 Term 3


Dear Parents, Whanau, Caregivers and Students of Room6,

Welcome to Term 3. Our key concept this term is Communication. We have already packed in two exciting weeks culminating with our Feast Day Celebrations on Friday 27 July.


The three core curriculum are taught each day and Health & Physical Education, The Arts , Learning Languages, are either integrated or taught as individual units of learning.

MATHLETICS- this online tool is available for the students to use at home and at school. Please encourage and allow your children to use this programme of learning; we also have available a CD for their use at home. Cut down the time they are spending on their Playstations and Xboxes. Get them busy on MATHLETICS- this programme may not be offered again as it is very expensive, and unless I can justify and show evidence of improvement in the use of this technology it will go.

Homework is reading, any work not completed during class time and Mathletics

Education Outside the Classroom has already begun with our popular trip to see the Michael Parekowhai Exhibition, in Week Three the follow-up art lessons for this are at school on Friday.

continues at Hagley and finishes around the 16th August. Our students have participated with flair and fair-play during our games at Hagley.

Zone sports are in Week 4, because of timetabling we will spend the whole day at Hagley, so a good lunch and water are essential. Come along and watch.

Parent/Student interviews are this week please contact me for an appointment, it is really important for our students to be able to share and speak of their successes with you, I can also address any concerns you may have as our young people make the transition to Secondary Schooling.


School Uniform/Learning Tools. It is really important that all students at our school wear the correct uniform. Please encourage the students to wear their uniform with pride.

To learn students need to be work ready, this includes them having stationery, can you ensure that they are equipped.

I thank you for your continued support of your children, we have an exciting term ahead of us. Watch the Newsletter for important key dates, School Masses, Tournaments and Trips, and the Cultural Festival.


Arohanui kia tatou,



Judi Parker.


Saturday 4 August 2012

Discovery Learning on Fridays

Each Friday we are engaged in a range of activities, we have the opportunity to be thinkers, creators, and communicators. Our "discovery" this week  involved us in the Arts- Making personalised waka, Technology-building Robotiks,and Communicating our ideas for Values, these beliefs are important and desirable for our class and school.